“A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle”
Its true. The greater the cross sectional area of a muscle, the more ability that muscle has to get stronger in the long run.
This was one thing I learned in exercise science school that I was more than pleased to hear. As a bodybuilder who transitioned to powerlifting, I was thrilled to hear that what I was experiencing in my own training was backed by actual science.
This means that hypertrophy training plays a significant role in helping you grow stronger, and should not be taken lightly in your quest to set PRs on your main lifts!
For the powerlifter, there may be some phases of time where hypertrophy is more of a priority than others (post meet is the perfect example), but in the BrykSquad, we are utilizing hypertrophy training year round in some way in all of our programming, primarily in the form of specific accessory exercises to add mass and enhance weak areas. Even during peaking for competitions, these accessory exercises still fit into our training, albeit in a decreased role.
So to sum up how bodybuilding training can help you get stronger👇
Want a bigger bench press?
Utilize exercises like DB press, pushups, rows, triceps extensions to build muscle in the pressing muscles to give them more runway to get stronger and move more load.
Want a stronger squat and deadlift?
Utilize exercises like leg press, RDL, leg extension and leg curl to build the lower body muscles up, so when we go to train the squat and deadlift they are jacked and bullet proofed and ready to be trained for strength.
Take your accessories seriously and take advantage of what building more muscle can do for your strength gainz!
Tired of not knowing what to do with your training? Join the BrykSquad! Click the link below to see what I offer👇